• Research Assistant for Craig Parsons, forthcoming book "Reclaiming Politics:                2011 - 2012 Introduction to Political Science", Pearson Longman
  • Research Assistant for National Science Foundation Grant No. 0318374 entitled                         2005 "Analysis of the effects of environmental treaties", principal investigator: Ronald B. Mitchell
  • Independent Consultant, AHA International, Oregon                                                                 2002 - 2003 - Evaluating the potential of an academic exchange program focusing on                                             business courses with Cologne, Germany; coordinating the set-up efforts
  • Research Analyst, International Sustainable Development Foundation, Oregon                            2002  - researching and summarizing information for a report on the development of                                    criteria and benchmarks for Green Hotels in Thailand
  • Project Assistant, Multicultural Project Rainbow, Caritas Herten, Germany                         2001 - 2002 - co-managing a team of 50 employees from 20 different countries; interim                                           project and fundraising reports; co-organization of local Christmas market;                                              liaison to local media;translations; creating and keeping statistics


  • European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium                                                                             1998 and 2001 Personal assistant to MEP Jutta Haug
    - liaison to the electorate and institutions; compilation of dossiers, translation
  • Oregon Economic & Community Development Department                                             1998 and 2000 Research analyst, for the International Division
    - research studies on Oregon’s main trading partners, preparation and                                 assessment of trade missions 
  • American Chamber of Commerce (UK), London                                                                                  1999  Event coordinator & administrative assistant
    - liaison to member’s offices; organizing special receptions, among others, with                             Her Majesty Elizabeth II and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburgh
  • Hearth Classics, Boring, Oregon                                                                                                              1997 Assistant manager
    - liaison to clients and suppliers in the USA and Belgium

Alternate Service

  • Caritas Herten Refugee and Immigrant Counseling Office, Germany                                  1995 - 1996 Counselor and office assistant
    - counseling refugees from the former Yugoslavia, Zaire, Rwanda and Russian                                   immigrants of German descent; co-organization of a summer vacation program                                  for children; publication of a research project:

Hoffmann, Leif, Schmülling, Kriemhild. Hier Ist Doch Ein Bißchen Anders: Dokumentation Über

Hertener Aussiedler Aus Der Ehemaligen Sowietunion. Herten: Caritasverband Herten, 1995.